This set of scenes each use a shader downloaded from as a background to a single performer. Because the VGHD software uses different names for some of the shader inputs, and others do not seem to be supported at all, it has been necessary to make a few modifications to the downloaded sources. It has proved possible to adapt the great majority of the ShaderToy shaders by simply prefacing them with a common set of definitions to Equivalence the VGHD and ShaderToy inputs. Faking out iMouse and iChanneln references. Because of the way in which TheEmu did the adaptions the full set of atadaption definitions ha not always been used, but in retrospect it would have been simpler to just insert the same text at the start of each shader even though this would often include much that was not used by a particular shader. If the shader language supported the #include statement then the modifications could have been kept down to a single line, #include VGHD_Shader_Toy_Adaptor.txt, but, as this is not supported, the text of the adaptor has to be inserted. As an aid for anyone who wants to adapt more ShaderToy shaders a copy of the full form of the adaptor is provided as Shaders = ShaderToy - 00 - VGHD_Shader_Toy_Adaptor.txt in which there are extensive explanatory comments. In some cases the ShaderToy shaders do not assign any value to the a component of gl_FragColor, the result being that the generated image is very noisy or completely invisible. Adding the single line gl_FragColor.a = 1.0; at the end of the shader will fix this problem. There are some shaders at for which the this will not work because they use 3D textures (texture cubes) or functions not covered by the common adaptor. In a few cases (not the 3D ones) the shader can still be adapted by making minor changes to the source, e.g. removing references to iChannelResolution. Occasionaly #defines have been used to allow shader parameters, such as maximum iteration counts, to be easily changed in order to lower the resources used by a shader. This is useful for scenes which use a lot of resources and stress the host system leading to judder when a scene is played. TheEmu can take no credit for any of these shaders, that belongs to there original creators and the names used for the scenes do reflect this. Please note, a few of these shaders make heavy use of GPU resources which may result in jerky motion on "low end" machines. It may still be possible to use them by reducing their requirements by adjusting the values of control parameters in the .fsh files and in some cases this has specificaly been allowed for, but other than that you will have to change the body of the .fsh or simply not use the scene.