This rather silly set of scenes explores "bounce" animation options. The inspiration for this series of experiments was partly an old Peter Cook Dudley Moore sketch featuring The Leaping Nuns of Norwich. Initialy using a set of clones so that the effects of the various types of "bounces" can be most clearly seen the later scenes switch to using individual clips. The bouncing ranges from strictly regimented perfectly vertical "formation bouncing" through imperfectly regimented bouncing, in which there is some lateral movement, to unregimented "chaotic bouncing". The scenes are mostly essentialy rather abstract and two dimensional, but depth and a floor or a background are eventualy added. This could easily be taken further, such as leaping about in a meadow with some foreground objects or jumping up from behind something, but all I have done is to provide a few suitable backgrounds without specificly tuning the clips posiyions to suit the backgrounds. Even so the results are satisfactory. The scenes themselves are not paticularly interesting, though some could perhaps be used as screen savers reminicent of the old "Bouncing Cow" and "Sheep vs Gravity" screen savers I once used.