This set of "experiments" comprise the research and development for a range of novelty clocks in which various components of the clock take the form of strippers. These clocks do keep good time in that the three hands do run at the proper speeds, but there is no way short of editing the scn files, to set the time to the current time. Also, they all reset to 12 o'clock when the maximum duration for a full screen show is reached - this can be extended to 1 hour by increasing the value for "minimum delay between scenes" on the VGHD full screen settings page. The A series comprise a set of simple wall clocks in which the hour, minute and second hands are pole dancers. The basic configuration comprises a disc acting as the clock face, three pole dancers as the hands plus a rectangle with a circular hole acting as the clock case. Various clock faces are provided, starting with a plain white disc to which other components such as "tick" marks and simple decorative lines are added using "quads" and ending with a few images of real clock faces. In the case of the real clock face images they may be shown in their natural colours or the colours forced to be "wooden" or "brass". The purpose of the clock case element in these clocks is to clip the length of the poledancer's poles. Without the case element the hour, minute and hands would each have slightly differnt lengths and clipping them tidies up the look of the clock. Currently the clock cases are just plain rectangles, but could be replaced with realitic images of clock cases. The B series are just a variation on the A series in which the hour markers take the form of cage dancers or pole dancers, including using pole dancers to form roman numerals. The C series clocks are a series of table top clocks which take a form that resembles astronomical orraries. In these clocks the clock face is a large horizontal disc and the hour, minute and second hands are poledancers where the poles move along circular tracks.