Another rather silly set of scenes. In this case the girls are made to slide backwards and forwards using various space/time movement curves. The primary purpose of these experiments was to discover just what each of the motion types looked like when forcing the girls to move to and fro in straight lines. For this reason the initial experiments have all used pole dancers in order to minimise the effects of the girls moving about within each clip. Technically the only difficulty with these scenes occurs when the motions cross each other as the clip sprites display priority order has to change to prevent girls that are logically at the back being displayed in front of girls nearer to the front. This problem has only partially been solved by using pairs of clip sprites for each girl, but the result is OK given its simplicity and the remaining discrepancies are not too jarring. The final results look rather as if the girls are playing some strange sport or are part of some animated board game, but what the rules of such a game would be are anybody's guess.